Covid Victims

This is a dataset of individual victims of the covid pandemic in Hungary. It updates daily and uses several sources

How This is Created

  1. A researcher finds and figures they could do some useful research with this individual level data, maybe even better if joined with temporal information, vaccine data and test results

  • unfortunately, the link now is dead, and the data does not seem to be available elsewhere

  1. They write an email with the link and the idea for such a dataset to

  2. In the response we either:

  • give an estimated time of completion for such a dataset and start downloading and linking the data, conduct some initial analysis of maybe some of our own ideas for hypotheses

  • propose some changes / extensions,

  • set up connections with other researchers who requested similar datasets

  • point to work already in progress that creates this or a similar dataset

In this case we could download and link the data in about one day.

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)


Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Explore Waves and Conditions

../_images/out-6.png ../_images/out-9.png
Growth of conditions compared to the growth of deceased people (%)
    blood_pressure diabetes heart lungs obesity is_70_plus is_male
wave wave_stage              
1 ascent -0.002730 0.004524 0.037673 0.000211 -0.009186 0.004350 -0.008984
descent 0.006674 0.000927 0.019730 0.018787 0.040337 -0.000514 -0.004357
2 ascent 0.000394 0.002414 -0.049256 -0.053962 0.119785 -0.021713 0.011351
descent -0.006851 0.024578 -0.024435 0.051909 -0.025324 -0.001743 0.007955
3 ascent -0.010319 -0.055158 0.024522 -0.010020 -0.055266 0.012735 -0.016413
descent 0.007315 0.001789 0.025949 -0.000337 -0.048794 0.017995 -0.005324
4 ascent 0.007603 -0.066693 0.033743 0.000125 -0.337224 0.045969 0.035116
Top 20 conditions recorded for the deceased
magasvérnyomás-betegség 20589
cukorbetegség 12810
magas vérnyomás 8889
iszkémiás szívbetegség 4860
szívbetegség 3614
demencia 3022
daganatos megbetegedés 2798
krónikus veseelégtelenség 2299
szívelégtelenség 2224
veseelégtelenség 1952
nem ismert alapbetegség 1950
szívritmuszavar 1890
tüdőbetegség 1874
érelmeszesedés 1478
pitvarfibrilláció 1438
vérszegénység 1406
kóros elhízás 1392
krónikus obstruktív tüdőbetegség 1379
elhízás 1124
asztma 1110


There is 1 table and the sources are checked for updates at 04:00 pm, only on monday

Covid Victim Table

Size: 46265 × 15 (5.58 MB)

Last Changed: 2023-01-22 20:41

serial age condition__blood_pressure condition__diabetes condition__heart condition__lungs condition__obesity estimated_date is_male people_fully_vaccinated people_vaccinated positive_rate raw_conditions total_boosters total_vaccinations
0 46217 90 True False False False False 2023-01-22 True 0 0 0.0 magasvérnyomás-betegség 0 0
1 46218 87 False False False False False 2023-01-22 False 0 0 0.0 agyi infraktus 0 0
2 46219 62 False True False False False 2023-01-22 False 0 0 0.0 cukorbetegség, hasi tályog 0 0
3 46220 68 False False False True False 2023-01-22 True 0 0 0.0 tüdő rosszindulatú daganata, májbetegség 0 0
4 46221 64 False True False True False 2023-01-22 True 0 0 0.0 tüdőfibrózis, cukorbetegség 0 0